We have been busy here on the ranch. We had the NW Regional where Risk got a bye into the semi finals of the Grand Prix for the World Cynosport Games. Lash made it to the Finals of the Steeplechase at the Regional and went off course with 3 obstacles to go. :-( We got a bunch of other Q's and placements that weekend. We took a break from showing, so that we could do some more training on Risk's running contacts. Our next show is is the Regional in California, put on by The Bay Team, on Labor Day weekend.
You can check out some of our videos on our You Tube page. www.youtube.com/HillcrestBCs
We have a few litters planned. Our first litter is due at the beginning of September and that is with Jen x Singe.
Our 2nd litter will be with Risk and Ignited Sooner. We have used Sooner 3 other times, but this is the first time he has been mated with Risk.
Our other litter is with Havoc. We have not decided on a male, but we do have 2 that are possibilities.
Check our website www.hillcrestbordercollies.com for more information and pictures.
A lot of our offspring have been debuting in Agility and Flyball this summer. I will be posting results as I get them.