Well, Murray went out for his first real herding lesson. It works better if someone else teaches him about herding. :-) Havoc has had training on her, so it made it nice that Murray didn't have to work on outruns etc. He was able to learn the things he needed to have for himself. At first Havoc wasn't wanting to listen to Murray as she is used to my voice and inflection in her commands. I also think it had to do with Murray learning what to do and she was kind of taking advantage of the situation. After about 30 minutes I think it really started to click in his head as things were going much smoother. He will keep practicing as he is entered in Novice at Sheep Thrillz.
Murray and Karen went to fix her mower and I worked Mick (Havoc's dad) and Skarlet. I am entering Sheep Thrillz, so I need to fine tune some work, like hitting panels straight on. With Skarlet I am always working on her bending and giving to pressure.
Here are some pictures of Havoc during Murray's lesson.

I kept thinking Murray's head was going to explode because he was trying to process all of the information that was given to him.
This is a lovely view from Karen's place.
I believe I met a littermate to Teague, a red girly named Chewy, here in Portland. She came into our clinic and I have to say, she is such a sweet little dog. Such a nice temperament. She wasn't in the most comfortable of spots, but she never batted an eye at what we had to do to her. I like her just as much as I like Teague. She looks JUST like Risk. Nice, nice, dog.
Nope that is not a littermate to Teague and not one of my dogs. I have not idea who it is actually. :-)
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