Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rumor x Singe Puppies Born 9-16-09

Rumor decided to have her puppies on Connor's 4th Birthday. She had 3 boys (all blue merles) and 3 girls (2 black and white and 1 blue merle). She had 6 puppies in 2 and 15 minutes and is being an AWESOME mommy.
The theme of this litter is types of beer as Lori (Rumor's main owner) and Murray love beer.

Ale (black and white female)

Abbey (black and white female)

Amber (blue merle female)

Stout (blue merle male)

Porter (blue merle male)

Bock (blue merle male)

1 comment:

Kathy Mocharnuk said...

Happy 4 th birthday to Connor!!! Hope he had a great one in spite of having to share it with the puppies. The puppies are gorgeous and it is terrific to hear Rumor is doing well!